under host put in your computers ip adress
port (outgoing) 8000
port (incoming) 9000
Local IP adress is your ios devices's ip adress
Some other things to double check is that your computer and your iPad are on the same wifi network and no firewall is blocking access to the ports or puredata. You may also want to check if the IP address for the host computer sometimes it might changed.
To translate OSC messages from TouchOSC to MIDI messages follow these steps:
- Download and install Pure Data Extended available for Windows and OSX
- On Windows Download and install MIDIYoke On OSX use built in Audio Midi Setup (click here for the correct settings in Audio Midi Setup)
- Download and open one of the Pure Data MIDI patches following this section (for example: simple-midi.pd)
- Make sure you are receiving output from TouchOSC in Pure Data. Refer to the TouchOSC manual on this page for more information
- In Pure Data open the menu Media -> MIDI Settings…
- For output device 1 select Out To MIDI Yoke: 1 and press OK on OSX choose IAC driver bus and press OK
- Start the application you want to receive the MIDI messages with, go to MIDI settings/preferences and select In From MIDI Yoke: 1 as input on OSX IAC driver bus
- Use the MIDI learn function of the application to map controls from TouchOSC to controls in the application or load the saved midi settings from the files included
- Here is a picture of what the settings should be in Puredata on Windows here and on OSX here
You may get this error in puredata "OSCroute object version 1.05 by Matt Wright. pd: jdl Win32 raf. OSCroute Copyright ᄅ 1999 Regents of the Univ. of California. All Rights Reserved. error: [OSCroute]: OSCx is deprecated! Consider switching to mrpeach's [routeOSC]"
what it means is that the object [OSCroute] is no longer supported. and it might get dropped from future versions. but [routeOSC] does exactly the same thing so you "should" switch to routeOSC. however, both still work.
You can safely ignore the error message.
To load the traktor tsi midi map settings follow these steps
- Go to preferences (The gear picture on the top right of the screen)
- Click on controllers(?)
- On top, there is a "Add" button...click it and hit Import.
- Browse for your TSI, import
If you need anymore help please visit http://www.djmoya.com/support/
[...] http://www.djmoya.com/how-to-setup-touchosc/ [...]