First download this mapping utility off the hercules rmx website. It gives you all the midi mapping info you need to get control of each led in your hercules rmx.
Then just click LED View and click the button you want to light up. Only the buttons with the white squares have LEDs.
Now down belen in the Midi: Table you will the the midi note number in this case the play button on deck A is CC 11 .
Now lets say you want the PLAY button to light up when you hit play and to turn off when its on pause.
Now just open up Traktor and go to Prefrences > Control Manager > Device > Generic Keyboard> Generic Midi (Hercules DJ Counsel > Add Output >Transport > Play/Pause
then follow this:
In Device mapping select the midi note you wanted to control CC 11 in this case is the PLAY button
Now Click Modifier ( the modifier is like a switch so set the Value to 0 for off)
Set your controller max range to 0 this will turn off the LED
Now click duplicate and put all the same settings in except your modifiers Value is now 1 for on and the Max will be 127 which makes the LED turn on
Now lets say you want your sync buttons to flash to the beat just follow the same formula except you want your output to be the BeatPhase
CC 7 is Deck A sync button The controller range right here is also adjustable but this time it changes how sensitive it will blink to the highs and lows of the song. And no modifier is needed here because your not turning this feature on or off. But if you wanted to you now know how from the pictures and text above. Also make sure you assign it to Deck A and Deck B accordingly for all your midi mapping.
Hi DJ Moya,
ReplyDeleteApparently you don't need to have 2 lines to show Play/Pause state. Just leave both conditions empty, controller range from 0 to 7 (or even from 0 to 1), and MIDI range from 0 to 127.
It works well for me, even in Traktor Pro older than 1.2.4 (when Play/Pause state was not available as a condition state!). LEDs in Traktor are difficult to control... that's a fact.
great post.So may usefull info.Thanks and wish all the best doing music.