Well here's some simple steps to get your mp3s sorted out.
First of all you may want to make sure all your mp3s are id3 tag enabled. You can do this by using TagScanner http://www.xdlab.ru/en/index.htm but most likely they are.
Now all you have to do is Download ItunesFriend which will scan your itunes library and ad lyrics into the id3 mp3 tag
After its done scanning your music run this script and it will scan the lyrics for each song and if it has any explicit lyrics in it it will right explicit in the comment tag of your mp3 id3 tag. If you have comments already in the comment section of the tag it will wright explicit at the end of whatever comment was in. If you want to start fresh and have no comments in your comment tags for all your songs you may use Tagscanner to do so.
Ok your almost done. Just copy this into notepad and save it as Explicit.js
/* Rename me to Explicit.js
Double Click in Explorer to run
Down below replace
with your own badwords ad more with a | between the words
Script by Otto - http://ottodestruct.com */
var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
var tracks = iTunesApp.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks;
var numTracks = tracks.Count;
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= numTracks; i++)
try {
//get the track and lyrics from the track
var currTrack = tracks.Item(i);
var mylyrics = currTrack.Lyrics;
// look for bad words
var badFound = mylyrics.match(/badword1|badword2|badword3/i);
// flag the track as Explicit
if (badFound != null) {
var myComm = currTrack.Comment;
if (myComm.match(/explicit/i) == null)
currTrack.Comment = myComm + " Explicit";
} catch(er) {// in the rye
Now while iTunes is open run the script you saved and it will start scanning your mp3s lyrics for explicit lyrics you specified. If you have a huge collection it may take a while depending on the size of your collection and the speed of your computer.
The only bad part about the script is that it does not have a progress bar so i left mine open for a couple of hours to make sure it scanned my huge collection of over 20 thousand songs.
You can kind of tell when its done by arranging your library by comments and seeing if the word explicit in the comments tag pops up in any new songs.
And that's it!
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